


For All!

TOGETHER's Stories

Our mission is to bring Faith, Hope and Love to those needing a brighter day in their darkest hour of need.

Rehabilitation, Education and Profession for All!

Stories of how we actively fight the systemic exclusion of persons with visual impairments.


Stories of TOGETHER CSO as covered by NAHOO,a local television channel.

Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporate /EBC

Dinner In the Dark and other TOGETHER's main activities had coverage from the biggest Ethiopian media out let EBC.

Prevention of Blindness through Education

TOGETHER CSO's Prevention of Blindness through Education project aims
to reduce avoidable blindness and visual impairment in Ethiopia. This initiative
focuses on raising awareness about eye health and promoting early detection
and treatment of eye conditions. Through community outreach, school programs,
and training for healthcare professionals, the project empowers individuals to take
control of their eye health. By providing access to eye screenings, eyeglasses,
and specialized care, TOGETHER CSO strives to ensure a brighter future
for all Ethiopians.

በዓይነ ሥውራን ላይ ያተኮረ የሬድዮ ፕሮግራም

የሬድዮ ፕሮግራሙን ለማዳመጥ እባኮትን ከስር ያለውን ማጫወቻ ይጫኑ