


For All!


Civil Society Organization

TOGETHER is passionate about realizing the human right of full and equal participation of a person with visual impairment in society. Its motto is Rehabilitation, Education and Profession for All!

Our Mission is Empowering blind individuals to lead independent and fulfilling lives.

TOGETHER is committed to creating a brighter future for those with visual impairments and their children. Our holistic approach includes specialized education, rehabilitation services, and job placement and training.


A great way of supporting us is if you spread the word about TOGETHER and share our vision among your family and friends, colleagues, and other interested individuals.

How we serve the Most Vulnerable People

When you choose to give to TOGETHER, you choose not only to support ongoing projects that impact lives daily but also to help reach those who are still in need of Education, Rehabilitation, and Inclusion. Learn how you can make an immediate impact by supporting the empowerment and inclusion of visually impaired individuals in Ethiopia. Our mission is significant, and with your help, we can continue making strides in building inclusive opportunities. Let us move forward, together!


  • 36
    Women Shelter
  • 131
    Kids in Drop In Center
  • 50
    Community Based Rehabilitation
  • 350
    Women Empowerment
  • 1075
    Prevention of Blindness Campain
  • 9109
    Total Indirect Beneficieries Reached
  • 10184
    Total Beneficieries

The rehabilitation service supports women with visual impairments and their children, brought off the streets, who face psychosocial challenges, depression, and poverty, providing them with care and opportunities for a better future.

Night to shine - Special Needs Ministry

Awareness Raising

  • 1052
    Dinner In The Dark
  • 805
    Coffee In The Dark
  • 1800
    Outreach Programs
  • 1894
    Fashion Show
  • 2323
    Dance Program
  • 1421
    Art Gallery Show
  • 6000
    Bazaar Participants
  • 11233
    Media Coverage

A major challenge of visual impairment is society's lack of awareness about the visually impaired. Launching programs to counter negative attitudes and encourage positive perceptions is crucial for inclusion.

Girl sitting on hospital bed Smiling


  • 166
    TVET Trainees
  • 1472
    Trainees at Schools
  • 50+
    Civil Servant Trainees
  • 360+
    Resource Center/Digital liberary users
  • 2048+
    Total Beneficieries

Digital literacy programs for the visually impaired offer training in essential tools, enabling users to access education, apply for jobs, manage finances, and connect with others through online platforms.

Pocket paper making training

Job Inclusion

  • 300
    Business Skill Trainees
  • 33
    Handi-Craft and Inclusion Trainees
  • 21
    Start-up Capital Bneficieries
  • 100
    Leather Works and Handi-Craft trainees
  • 1362+
    Indirect Beneficierie
  • 1816+
    Total Beneficieries

Training at TOGETHER equips beneficiaries with education and skills to support themselves. They learn job search skills like CV preparation, and some even take entrepreneurial steps to start businesses.

Latest Stories

Dinner In The Dark

TOGETHER's Dinner In The Dark program offers a unique and thought-provoking dining experience where guests are immersed in complete darkness. This immersive event aims to raise awareness and empathy for individuals with visual impairments. By temporarily depriving diners of their sight, the program encourages them to rely on their other senses, such as taste, smell, and hearing, to navigate the dining experience. This heightened sensory awareness fosters a deeper appreciation for the challenges faced by people who are visually impaired. Additionally, the program empowers individuals with visual impairments by providing them with meaningful employment opportunities as waiters. Read More

Dinner in the Dark.jpg

Prevention of Blindness through Education

TOGETHER CSO's Prevention of Blindness through Education project aims
to reduce avoidable blindness and visual impairment in Ethiopia. This initiative
focuses on raising awareness about eye health and promoting early detection
and treatment of eye conditions. Through community outreach, school programs,
and training for healthcare professionals, the project empowers individuals to take
control of their eye health. By providing access to eye screenings, eyeglasses,
and specialized care, TOGETHER CSO strives to ensure a brighter future
for all Ethiopians.

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የሬድዮ ፕሮግራሙን ለማዳመጥ እባኮትን ከስር ያለውን ማጫወቻ ይጫኑ

TOGETHER is an Ethiopian based CSO. All donations are tax deductible  to the full extent permitted by law. ACSO Logo