Please come and visit our Organization, on the challenge of Visually Impaired Peoples Effect
Dinner in the Dark=> "ባለማየት ውስጥ ማየት" Balemayet Wist Mayet” is an exhibition of experimental artworks made by twelve women and men with visual impairment who experimented for the first time since the loss of their sight with professional art techniques and materials – and thereby created incredible works of art!!!
Together! strives to creates a safe and rehabilitative shelter for women with visual impairment and their children to live in a peaceful and harmonize environment. Together! as it has been doing so far has provided further trainings on life skill, hygiene food preparation reproductive health and other related issues to strengthen their cap ability.
Together!’s Drop in Center supports children of visually impaired parents by providing nutritious food, informal education, creative class, child counselling and storytelling from Monday to Friday. Playing In- Door and Out Door Games are part of the services given to the Drop In Center Children.
Together! with its scholarship program focused on mainly assisting visually impaired individuals and their families who are attending their class under economic constraints, vulnerable situations and in urgent need of holistic assistance and Income Generating Activities (IGA) the scholarship that is a one-time investment to embark on self-initiated and sustainable income-generation activities and small business.
The outreach program is the Sub - Project of Rehabilitation which began in 2016. It is designed to undertake in the place where needy visually impaired people who are living in the community and beneficiaries of Together! as well as other disabled beneficiaries who live in the community by participating in coffee ceremony to share experience with the sighted community about the ability and challenges of visually impaired people.
Together! welcomes national and international volunteers who would like to gain work experience and enrich our project through their voluntary engagement!!! Unfortunately, Together! is not able to provide financial assistance to its volunteers. However, we can provide a prosperous environment for volunteering and will assist our volunteers in other non-financial ways as best as we can!!!
Together!, a prominent organization that works to improve the lives of persons with disabilities, celebrated its 10th anniversary on Ma is a sonified data-driven web experience that champions the need for a more inclusive and accessible internet. It tells t
During this occasion, Together awarded with a certificate for it's active participation in the celebration of international
Together displayed fashion show and art exhibition today January 15 ,2021
We celebrated Dec 3 international disability day with the cooperation of Gullele sub city labour affairs office. On that memorable day, Visually
Table setup , serving, communication, and dressing code training has been given at Sarem hottel for 8 individuals with visual impairment waiters
Together! has produced an audio campaign to raise awareness of COVID-19 health precautions for persons with visual impairments and disabilities i
Orientation Session on Covid-19 and child abuse with Together Children! ቱጌዘር ለህጻናት ስለ ኮቪድ 19 እና ህጻና
Distribution of goods to 50 persons with visually impaired personnel(from Together and Other beneficiaries) Donated by 'Yenesew' an
Home to Home Distribution of goods to Together Beneficiaries collected from Individual Donors. ቱጌዘር ከተለያዩ ረጂ
ቱጌዘር በወረርሽኙ ሳቢያ ለከፋ ችግር ለተዳረጉ ተጠቃሚዎቹ የገንዝብ ድጋ
ይህን በአካል ጉዳተኞች ላይ ያተኮረ ፕሮግራም ለመከታተል ከታች የሚታየውን የድምጽ ማጫወ
ረዥሙ መተላለፊያ ላይ ድንግዝግዝ ባለ መልኩ ብርሃን አለ። ድቅድቅ ጨለማ ከዋጠው ክፍል
ናሁ ቴሌቪዥን ከቱጌዘር በጎ አድራጎት ድርጅት ጋር ያደረገውን ቆይታ ለመከታተል እባኮትን
የቱጌዘር መሰረታዊ የኮምፒውተር ትምህርት ሰልጣኞች በ ቤል ካሽ (በቀድሞ ስሙ ሄሎ ካሽ)